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* This file is part of Handlebars-php
* Base on mustache-php https://github.com/bobthecow/mustache.php
* PHP version 5.3
* @category Xamin
* @package Handlebars
* @author fzerorubigd <fzerorubigd@gmail.com>
* @copyright 2013 (c) f0ruD A
* @license MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>
* @version GIT: $Id$
* @link http://xamin.ir
* Class AutoloaderTest
class HandlebarsTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
2013-12-06 22:02:36 +04:00
public function setUp()
* Test handlebars autoloader
* @return void
public function testAutoLoad()
Handlebars\Autoloader::register(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../fixture/'));
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2013-12-06 22:02:36 +04:00
* Test basic tags
* @param string $src handlebars source
* @param array $data data
* @param string $result expected data
* @dataProvider simpleTagdataProvider
* @return void
public function testBasicTags($src, $data, $result)
$loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\StringLoader();
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('loader' => $loader));
$this->assertEquals($result, $engine->render($src, $data));
* Simple tag provider
* @return array
public function simpleTagdataProvider()
return array(
'{{! This is comment}}',
array('data' => 'result'),
array('data' => array('key' => 'result')),
* Test helpers (internal helpers)
* @param string $src handlebars source
* @param array $data data
* @param string $result expected data
* @dataProvider internalHelpersdataProvider
* @return void
public function testSimpleHelpers($src, $data, $result)
$loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\StringLoader();
$helpers = new \Handlebars\Helpers();
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('loader' => $loader, 'helpers' => $helpers));
$this->assertEquals($result, $engine->render($src, $data));
* Simple helpers provider
* @return array
public function internalHelpersdataProvider()
return array(
'{{#if data}}Yes{{/if}}',
array('data' => true),
'{{#if data}}Yes{{/if}}',
array('data' => false),
'{{#with data}}{{key}}{{/with}}',
array('data' => array('key' => 'result')),
'{{#each data}}{{this}}{{/each}}',
2013-11-08 19:55:01 +04:00
array('data' => array(1, 2, 3, 4)),
2013-12-06 19:47:27 +04:00
'{{#each data}}{{@key}}=>{{this}}{{/each}}',
array('data' => array('key1'=>1, 'key2'=>2,)),
'{{#unless data}}ok{{/unless}}',
array('data' => true),
'{{#unless data}}ok{{/unless}}',
array('data' => false),
2013-12-06 19:47:27 +04:00
'{{#bindAttr data}}',
* Management helpers
public function testHelpersManagement()
2013-11-08 19:55:01 +04:00
$helpers = new \Handlebars\Helpers(array('test' => function () {
}), false);
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('helpers' => $helpers));
2013-11-08 19:55:01 +04:00
* Custom helper test
public function testCustomHelper()
$loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\StringLoader();
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('loader' => $loader));
$engine->addHelper('test', function () {
return 'Test helper is called';
$this->assertEquals('Test helper is called', $engine->render('{{#test}}', array()));
$this->assertEquals('Test helper is called', $engine->render('{{test}}', array()));
$engine->addHelper('test2', function ($template, $context, $arg) {
return 'Test helper is called with ' . $arg;
$this->assertEquals('Test helper is called with a b c', $engine->render('{{#test2 a b c}}', array()));
$this->assertEquals('Test helper is called with a b c', $engine->render('{{test2 a b c}}', array()));
2013-12-06 19:47:27 +04:00
$engine->addHelper('renderme', function() {return new \Handlebars\String("{{test}}");});
$this->assertEquals('Test helper is called', $engine->render('{{#renderme}}', array()));
$engine->addHelper('dontrenderme', function() {return "{{test}}";});
$this->assertEquals('{{test}}', $engine->render('{{#dontrenderme}}', array()));
* Test mustache style loop and if
public function testMustacheStyle()
$loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\StringLoader();
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('loader' => $loader));
$this->assertEquals('yes', $engine->render('{{#x}}yes{{/x}}', array ('x' => true)));
$this->assertEquals('', $engine->render('{{#x}}yes{{/x}}', array ('x' => false)));
$this->assertEquals('yes', $engine->render('{{^x}}yes{{/x}}', array ('x' => false)));
$this->assertEquals('1234', $engine->render('{{#x}}{{this}}{{/x}}', array ('x' => array (1,2,3,4))));
$std = new stdClass();
$std->value = 1;
$this->assertEquals('1', $engine->render('{{#x}}{{value}}{{/x}}', array ('x' => $std)));
$this->assertEquals('1', $engine->render('{{{x}}}', array ('x' => 1)));
* @expectedException \LogicException
public function testParserException()
$loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\StringLoader();
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('loader' => $loader));
$engine->render('{{#test}}{{#test2}}{{/test}}{{/test2}}', array());
* Test add/get/has/clear functions on helper class
public function testHelpersClass()
$helpers = new \Handlebars\Helpers();
$helpers->add('test', function(){});
$helpers->test2 = function(){};
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
public function testHelperWrongConstructor()
$helper = new \Handlebars\Helpers("helper");
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
public function testHelperWrongCallable()
$helper = new \Handlebars\Helpers();
$helper->add('test', 1);
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
public function testHelperWrongGet()
$helper = new \Handlebars\Helpers();
$x = $helper->test;
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
public function testHelperWrongUnset()
$helper = new \Handlebars\Helpers();
* test String class
public function testStringClass()
$string = new \Handlebars\String('test');
$this->assertEquals('test', $string->getString());
$this->assertEquals('new', $string->getString());
2013-11-08 19:55:01 +04:00
* @param $dir
* @return bool
private function delTree($dir)
$files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));
foreach ($files as $file) {
2013-11-21 20:31:31 +04:00
(is_dir("$dir/$file")) ? $this->delTree("$dir/$file") : unlink("$dir/$file");
2013-11-08 19:55:01 +04:00
return rmdir($dir);
* Its not a good test :) but ok
public function testCacheSystem()
$path = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/__cache__handlebars';
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2013-11-08 19:55:01 +04:00
$dummy = new \Handlebars\Cache\Disk($path);
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('cache' => $dummy));
$this->assertEquals(0, count(glob($path . '/*')));
$engine->render('test', array());
$this->assertEquals(1, count(glob($path . '/*')));
2013-11-21 21:13:52 +04:00
* Test file system loader
public function testFileSystemLoader()
$loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\FilesystemLoader(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../fixture/data'));
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars();
$this->assertEquals('test', $engine->render('loader', array()));
2013-12-06 22:02:36 +04:00
* Test file system loader
public function testFileSystemLoaderMultipleFolder()
$paths = array(
realpath(__DIR__ . '/../fixture/data'),
realpath(__DIR__ . '/../fixture/another')
$options = array(
'prefix' => '__',
'extension' => 'hb'
$loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\FilesystemLoader($paths, $options);
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars();
$this->assertEquals('test_extra', $engine->render('loader', array()));
$this->assertEquals('another_extra', $engine->render('another', array()));
* Test file system loader
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
public function testFileSystemLoaderNotFound()
$loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\FilesystemLoader(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../fixture/data'));
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars();
$engine->render('invalid_file', array());
* Test file system loader
* @expectedException \RuntimeException
public function testFileSystemLoaderInvalidFolder()
new \Handlebars\Loader\FilesystemLoader(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../fixture/') . 'invalid/path');
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* Test partial loader
public function testPartialLoader()
$loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\StringLoader();
$partialLoader = new \Handlebars\Loader\FilesystemLoader(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../fixture/data'));
$engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars();
$this->assertEquals('test', $engine->render('{{>loader}}', array()));
* test variable access
public function testVariableAccess()
$loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\StringLoader();
$engine = \Handlebars\Handlebars::factory();
2013-11-21 21:13:52 +04:00
$var = new \StdClass();
$var->x = 'var-x';
$var->y = array(
'z' => 'var-y-z'
$this->assertEquals('test', $engine->render('{{var}}', array('var' => 'test')));
$this->assertEquals('var-x', $engine->render('{{var.x}}', array('var' => $var)));
$this->assertEquals('var-y-z', $engine->render('{{var.y.z}}', array('var' => $var)));
// Access parent context in with helper
$this->assertEquals('var-x', $engine->render('{{#with var.y}}{{../var.x}}{{/with}}', array('var' => $var)));
$obj = new DateTime();
$time = $obj->getTimestamp();
$this->assertEquals($time, $engine->render('{{time.getTimestamp}}', array('time' => $obj)));
public function testContext()
$test = new stdClass();
$test->value = 'value';
$test->array = array('a' => '1', 'b' => '2');
$context = new \Handlebars\Context($test);
$this->assertEquals('value', $context->get('value'));
$this->assertEquals('value', $context->get('value', true));
$this->assertEquals('1', $context->get('array.a', true));
$this->assertEquals('2', $context->get('array.b', true));
$new = array('value' => 'new value');
$this->assertEquals('new value', $context->get('value'));
$this->assertEquals('new value', $context->get('value', true));
$this->assertEquals('value', $context->get('../value'));
$this->assertEquals('value', $context->get('../value', true));
$this->assertEquals($new, $context->last());
$this->assertEquals($new, $context->get('.'));
$this->assertEquals($new, $context->get('this'));
$this->assertEquals($new, $context->get('this.'));
$this->assertEquals($test, $context->get('../.'));
$this->assertEquals('value', $context->get('value'));
$this->assertEquals('value', $context->get('value', true));
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
* @dataProvider getInvalidData
public function testInvalidAccessContext($invalid)
$context = new \Handlebars\Context(array());
$context->get($invalid, true);
public function getInvalidData()
return array (