# Handlebars.php Helpers [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/JustBlackBird/handlebars.php-helpers.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/JustBlackBird/handlebars.php-helpers) > Provides a set of helpers for [Handlebars.php](https://github.com/XaminProject/handlebars.php) template engine. ## Installation Simply add a dependency on `justblackbird/handlebars.php-helpers` to your project's `composer.json` file if you use [Composer](http://getcomposer.org/) to manage the dependencies of your project. ## Usage To use all helpers in your templates just create an instance of helpers set and attach it to Handlebars engine. ```php $helpers = new \JustBlackBird\HandlebarsHelpers\Helpers(); $engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('helpers' => $helpers)); ``` Want to use only subset of helpers? Fine. Just create an instance of appropriate helpers set and attach it to Handlebars engine. Here is an example for Date helpers: ```php $helpers = new \JustBlackBird\HandlebarsHelpers\Date\Helpers(); $engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('helpers' => $helpers)); ``` Want to use only chosen helpers? No problem. Just add them manually to your helpers set: ```php $engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(); $engine->getHelpers()->add( 'ifEqual', new \JustBlackBird\HandlebarsHelpers\Comparison\IfEqualHelper() ); ``` ## License [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) (c) Dmitriy Simushev