# Mibew Filter Visitors By Operator Code plugin If a visitor calls for a certain operator using operator's code the plugin hides the appropriate thread from all operators except the called one (and operators that can view other operator's chats, but this behaviour could be changed in configuration). ## Installation 1. Get the archive with the plugin sources. You can download it from the [official site](https://mibew.org/plugins#mibew-filter-visitors-by-operator-code) or build the plugin from sources. 2. Untar/unzip the plugin's archive. 3. Put files of the plugins to the `/plugins` folder. 4. (optional) Add plugins configs to "plugins" structure in "``/configs/config.yml". If the "plugins" stucture looks like `plugins: []` it will become: ```yaml plugins: "Mibew:FilterVisitorsByOperatorCode": # Plugin's configurations are described below enable_for_supervisors: true ``` 5. Navigate to "``/operator/plugin" page and enable the plugin. ## Plugin's configurations The plugin can be configured with values in "``/configs/config.yml" file. ### config.enable_for_supervisors Type: `Boolean` Default: `false` Specify whether threads should be hidden also for operators that can view other operator's chats. This value is optional and can be skipped. ## Build from sources There are several actions one should do before use the latest version of the plugin from the repository: 1. Obtain a copy of the repository using `git clone`, download button, or another way. 2. Install [node.js](http://nodejs.org/) and [npm](https://www.npmjs.org/). 3. Install [Gulp](http://gulpjs.com/). 4. Install npm dependencies using `npm install`. 5. Run Gulp to build the sources using `gulp default`. Finally `.tar.gz` and `.zip` archives of the ready-to-use Plugin will be available in `release` directory. ## License [Apache License 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)