# Broadcast plugin A plugin to broadcast a message. At the moment there are four broadcasting modes available: * to all active chats (i.e. to chats with an operator connected); * to all waiting chats (i.e. to chats in a queue and chats where an operator has been disconnected) * to all chats except for closed ones; * to all operators involved in chats (i.e. to operators in active chats or in active invitations). Messages being sending as system ones. To send a message one should be an administrator. Plugin's localization constants could be translated via standard interface. ## Installation 1. Get the archive with the plugin sources. You can download it from the [official site](https://mibew.org/plugins#mibew-broadcast) or build the plugin from sources. 2. Untar/unzip the plugin's archive. 3. Put files of the plugins to the `/plugins` folder. 4. Navigate to "``/operator/plugin" page and enable the plugin. ## Build from sources There are several actions one should do before use the latest version of the plugin from the repository: 1. Obtain a copy of the repository using `git clone`, download button, or another way. 2. Install [node.js](http://nodejs.org/) and [npm](https://www.npmjs.org/). 3. Install [Gulp](http://gulpjs.com/). 4. Install npm dependencies using `npm install`. 5. Run Gulp to build the sources using `gulp default`. Finally `.tar.gz` and `.zip` archives of the ready-to-use Plugin will be available in `release` directory. ## License [Apache License 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)