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synced 2025-03-25 02:07:06 +03:00
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430 lines
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* @module Canteen\HTML5
namespace Canteen\HTML5
* The HTML5 Specification
* @class Specification
* @constructor
class Specification
* The list of all tags and their specific attributes
* @property {array} TAGS
* @final
* @readOnly
* @static
public static $TAGS = array(
'a' => array(
'abbr' => array(),
'address' => array(),
'area' => array(
'article' => array(),
'aside' => array(),
'audio' => array(
'b' => array(),
'base' => array(
'bdo' => array(),
'blockquote' => array(
'body' => array(),
'br' => array(),
'button' => array(
'canvas' => array(
'caption' => array(),
'cite' => array(),
'code' => array(),
'col' => null,
'colgroup' => array(
'command' => array(
'datalist' => array(),
'dd' => array(),
'del' => array(
'dfn' => array(),
'div' => array(),
'dl' => array(),
'dt' => array(),
'em' => array(),
'embed' => array(
'fieldset' => array(
'figcaption' => array(),
'figure' => array(),
'footer' => array(),
'form' => array(
'h1' => array(),
'h2' => array(),
'h3' => array(),
'h4' => array(),
'h5' => array(),
'h6' => array(),
'head' => array(),
'header' => array(),
'hgroup' => array(),
'hr' => array(),
'html' => array(
'img' => array(
'i' => array(),
'iframe' => array(
'input' => array(
'keygen' => array(
'label' => array(
'legend' => array(),
'li' => array(),
'link' => array(
'map' => array(
'mark' => array(),
'menu' => array(),
'meta' => array(
'meter' => array(
'nav' => array(),
'noscript' => array(),
'object' => array(
'ol' => array(
'optgroup' => array(
'option' => array(
'output' => array(
'p' => array(),
'param' => array(
'pre' => array(),
'progress' => array(
'q' => array(
'rp' => array(),
'rt' => array(),
'ruby' => array(),
's' => array(),
'sample' => array(),
'script' => array(
'section' => array(),
'select' => array(
'small' => array(),
'source' => array(
'span' => array(),
'strong' => array(),
'style' => array(
'sub' => array(),
'table' => array(
'tbody' => array(),
'td' => array(
'textarea' => array(
'tfoot' => array(),
'th' => array(
'thead' => array(),
'time' => array(
'title' => array(),
'tr' => array(),
'track' => array(
'u' => array(),
'ul' => array(),
'var' => array(),
'video' => array(
'wbr' => null
* The list of self-closing tags
* @property {array} SELF_CLOSING
* @final
* @readOnly
* @static
public static $SELF_CLOSING = array(
* Global valid attributes for all HTML5 tags
* See: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/dom.html#global-attributes
* @property {Array} ATTRIBUTES
* @final
* @static
* @readOnly
public static $ATTRIBUTES = array(
// Event handler context attributes
'onabort', 'onblur', 'oncancel', 'oncanplay', 'oncanplaythrough',
'onchange', 'onclick', 'oncuechange', 'ondblclick', 'ondurationchange',
'onemptied', 'onended', 'onerror', 'onfocus', 'oninput', 'oninvalid',
'onkeydown', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup', 'onload', 'onloadeddata',
'onloadedmetadata', 'onloadstart', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseenter',
'onmouseleave', 'onmousemove', 'onmouseout', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseup',
'onmousewheel', 'onpause', 'onplay', 'onplaying', 'onprogress',
'onratechange', 'onreset', 'onresize', 'onscroll', 'onseeked',
'onseeking', 'onselect', 'onshow', 'onstalled', 'onsubmit', 'onsuspend',
'ontimeupdate', 'ontoggle', 'onvolumechange', 'onwaiting',
// Allow-able on all tags
'accesskey', 'class', 'contenteditable', 'contextmenu', 'dir', 'draggable',
'dropzone', 'hidden', 'id', 'lang', 'spellcheck', 'style', 'tabindex',
'title', 'translate'