{ "project": { "name": "Canteen HTML5 API", "description": "Create dynamic, valid HTML5 markup with a simple an intuitive PHP API", "version": "${version}", "logo": "" }, "files": { "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php": { "name": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "modules": { "Canteen\\HTML5": 1 }, "classes": { "Attribute": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/Canteen/HTML5/Comment.php": { "name": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Comment.php", "modules": {}, "classes": { "Comment": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php": { "name": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php", "modules": {}, "classes": { "Document": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php": { "name": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "modules": {}, "classes": { "HTML5Error": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php": { "name": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "modules": {}, "classes": { "Node": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/Canteen/HTML5/NodeContainer.php": { "name": "src/Canteen/HTML5/NodeContainer.php", "modules": {}, "classes": { "NodeContainer": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/Canteen/HTML5/SimpleList.php": { "name": "src/Canteen/HTML5/SimpleList.php", "modules": {}, "classes": { "SimpleList": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/Canteen/HTML5/Table.php": { "name": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Table.php", "modules": {}, "classes": { "Table": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/Canteen/HTML5/Text.php": { "name": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Text.php", "modules": {}, "classes": { "Text": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/Canteen/HTML5/html.php": { "name": "src/Canteen/HTML5/html.php", "modules": { "global": 1 }, "classes": { "html": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} } }, "modules": { "Canteen\\HTML5": { "name": "Canteen\\HTML5", "submodules": {}, "classes": { "Attribute": 1, "Comment": 1, "Document": 1, "HTML5Error": 1, "Node": 1, "NodeContainer": 1, "SimpleList": 1, "Table": 1, "Text": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {}, "tag": "module", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Text.php", "line": 8 }, "global": { "name": "global", "submodules": {}, "classes": { "html": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {}, "tag": "module", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/html.php", "line": 32 } }, "classes": { "Attribute": { "name": "Attribute", "shortname": "Attribute", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "Canteen\\HTML5", "namespace": "", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 8, "description": "An HTML attribute used on the Node, this is used internally.\nDo not initiate this class directly, use the `html()` function\nto create attributes on elements.\n\n\techo html('a', 'Link', 'class=button href=\"about.html\"');\n\t\n\techo html('a', 'Link')\n\t\t->setAttribute('class', 'button')\n\t\t->setAttribute('href', 'about.html');", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the attribute", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "value", "description": "The value of the attribute", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" } ] }, "Comment": { "name": "Comment", "shortname": "Comment", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "Canteen\\HTML5", "namespace": "", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Comment.php", "line": 8, "description": "Special node type representing an HTML5 inline comment.\nDo not initiate this class directly, use the `html('comment')` function:\n\n\techo html('comment', 'Hidden HTML comment here');", "extends": "NodeContainer", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "text", "description": "the plain text string", "type": "String" } ] }, "Document": { "name": "Document", "shortname": "Document", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "Canteen\\HTML5", "namespace": "", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php", "line": 8, "description": "Create an HTML document. Basic barebones structure. \nLocated in the namespace __Canteen\\HTML5__.\n\n\t$doc = new HTML5\\Document('Untitled');\n\t$doc->head->addChild(html('script src=main.js'));\n\t$doc->body->addChild(html('div#frame'));\n\techo $doc;", "extends": "NodeContainer", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "title", "description": "The title of the document", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "''" }, { "name": "charset", "description": "The character encoding set of this HTML document", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "'utf-8'" }, { "name": "beautify", "description": "If we should add whitespace to the output to make it look nice markup.", "type": "Boolean", "optional": true, "optdefault": "false" } ] }, "HTML5Error": { "name": "HTML5Error", "shortname": "HTML5Error", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "Canteen\\HTML5", "namespace": "", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 8, "description": "Exceptions with using the HTML5 API.\n\n\ttry\n\t{\n\t\thtml('invalid', 'something');\n\t}\n\tcatch(Canteen\\HTML5\\HTML5Error $e)\n\t{\n\t\t$e->getMessage();\n\t}", "extends": "Exception", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "code", "description": "The code of the error", "type": "Int" }, { "name": "data", "description": "Additional data to associate with this error", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "''" } ] }, "Node": { "name": "Node", "shortname": "Node", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "Canteen\\HTML5", "namespace": "", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 8, "description": "A generic html tag with any children or closing tag. (e.g., img, br, hr).\nDo not initiate this class directly, use the `html()` function:\n\n\techo html('br');", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "tag", "description": "The name of the tag", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "attributes", "description": "The collection of tag attributes", "type": "Array|String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "validAttrs", "description": "The list of non-global valid attributes for the tag, comma separated", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" } ] }, "NodeContainer": { "name": "NodeContainer", "shortname": "NodeContainer", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "Canteen\\HTML5", "namespace": "", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/NodeContainer.php", "line": 8, "description": "Represents an HTML that that can contain other tags (e.g., br, p, div).\nDo not initiate this class directly, use the `html()` function:\n\n\t$div = html('div');", "extends": "Node", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "tag", "description": "The name of the tag element", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "children", "description": "The collection of children or single child", "type": "Node|Array", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "attributes", "description": "The tag attributes", "type": "String|Dictionary", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "validAttrs", "description": "Valid attributes specific to the HTML5 element, comma separated", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" } ] }, "SimpleList": { "name": "SimpleList", "shortname": "SimpleList", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "Canteen\\HTML5", "namespace": "", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/SimpleList.php", "line": 8, "description": "Convenience class for creating an ordered or un-ordered list.\n\n\t$list = new Canteen\\HTML5\\SimpleList(\n\t\tarray(\n\t\t\thtml('b', 'first'),\n\t\t\t'second', \n\t\t\t'third',\n\t\t\tarray(\n\t\t\t\t'sub-third',\n\t\t\t\t'sub-forth'\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)\n\t);", "extends": "NodeContainer", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "elements", "description": "The array of child Nodes, Strings, etc.", "type": "Array", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "attributes", "description": "The optional attributes", "type": "String|Dictionary", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "type", "description": "The type of list, either ul or ol", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "'ul'" } ] }, "Table": { "name": "Table", "shortname": "Table", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "Canteen\\HTML5", "namespace": "", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Table.php", "line": 8, "description": "Convenience class for building a Table. Useful for display\nrows of data from a database or another collection\nof associative arrays.\n\t\n\t$table = new Canteen\\HTML5\\Table(\n\t\tarray(\n\t\t\tarray('id'=>1, 'first'=>'James', 'last'=>'Smith'),\n\t\t\tarray('id'=>2, 'first'=>'Mary', 'last'=>'Denver'),\n\t\t\tarray('id'=>3, 'first'=>'Charlie', 'last'=>'Rose')\n\t\t),\n\t\tarray('ID', 'First Name', 'Last Name')\n\t);", "extends": "NodeContainer", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "data", "description": "The collection of Dictionary objects", "type": "Array" }, { "name": "headers", "description": "An optional collection of header labels for each value", "type": "Array", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "checkbox", "description": "If we should add a checkbox to each row, this is the name \n of the attribute to use as a value. For instance `array('id'=>2)` is \n ``", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" } ] }, "Text": { "name": "Text", "shortname": "Text", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "Canteen\\HTML5", "namespace": "", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Text.php", "line": 8, "description": "Special Node representing plain text. Do not initiate this \nclass directly, it is created whenever a text is passed into \na container tag:\n\n\techo html('p', 'Some Text Here');", "extends": "Node", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "text", "description": "the plain text string", "type": "String" } ] }, "html": { "name": "html", "shortname": "html", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "module": "global", "namespace": "", "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/html.php", "line": 32, "description": "This is the global function is the main entry for interacting with the HTML5 for PHP library. \nusing `html()` global function you can create HTML5 quickly and easily. For more\nexamples and instruction on how to use this library, please refer to the the \nGitHub project. \nTo install the library simply include `html.php`, this takes care of any autoloading that's needed\nfor the rest of the library.\n\n\techo html('img src=home.jpg'); \n\techo html('img', 'src=home.jpg'); \n\techo html('a', array('href'=>'about.html'));", "is_constructor": 1, "params": [ { "name": "tag", "description": "The name of the tag as a string for example 'tr', 'table', can be followed \n\t\t by CSS selector, e.g. 'a#backButton' or 'a.button'", "type": "String" }, { "name": "childrenOrAttributes", "description": "If the tag is a NodeContainer, this can be an array \n\t\t of attributes, another html node or some text. If the tag is a single node, this can \n be an array or chain of attributes", "type": "Dictionary|Node|String|Array", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "attributes", "description": "The attributes list for container tags (e.g., 'class:selected')", "type": "Dictionary|String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" } ], "return": { "description": "Return the html node", "type": "Node" } } }, "classitems": [ { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 26, "description": "The name of the attribute", "itemtype": "property", "name": "_name", "type": "String", "access": "private", "tagname": "", "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 33, "description": "The value of the attribute", "itemtype": "property", "name": "_value", "type": "String", "access": "private", "tagname": "", "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 46, "description": "Convert the attribute to an HTML tag attribute string", "itemtype": "method", "name": "__toString", "return": { "description": "String representation of attribute", "type": "String" }, "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 56, "description": "Get the name of this attribute", "itemtype": "method", "name": "getName", "return": { "description": "The attribute's name", "type": "String" }, "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 66, "description": "Set the name of this attribute, cannot be empty", "itemtype": "method", "name": "setName", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the attribute", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" } ], "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 80, "description": "Get the value of this attribute", "itemtype": "method", "name": "getValue", "access": "protected", "tagname": "", "return": { "description": "The value of attribute", "type": "String" }, "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 91, "description": "Set the value of this attribute, this cannot be empty", "itemtype": "method", "name": "setValue", "access": "protected", "tagname": "", "params": [ { "name": "value", "description": "The value to set", "type": "String" } ], "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 102, "description": "Convert a string into an associative array", "itemtype": "method", "name": "shorthand", "static": 1, "params": [ { "name": "str", "description": "The string, delineated by semicolons, and colons for attributes:values", "type": "String" } ], "return": { "description": "The collection of attributes", "type": "Dictionary" }, "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 130, "description": "General purpose getter for getting attribute->name and attribute->value", "access": "public", "tagname": "__get", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the property to get", "type": "String" } ], "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 143, "description": "General purpose setter for setting attribute->name and attribute->value", "access": "public", "tagname": "__set", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the attribute", "type": "String" }, { "name": "value", "description": "The value of the attribute", "type": "String" } ], "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Attribute.php", "line": 157, "description": "See if a property exists", "itemtype": "method", "name": "__isset", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the property", "type": "String" } ], "class": "Attribute", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Comment.php", "line": 26, "description": "Write to HTML", "itemtype": "method", "name": "__toString", "return": { "description": "The string representation of this HTML node", "type": "String" }, "class": "Comment", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php", "line": 26, "description": "The document type", "itemtype": "property", "name": "docType", "type": "NodeContainer", "class": "Document", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php", "line": 32, "description": "The head node", "itemtype": "property", "name": "head", "type": "NodeContainer", "class": "Document", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php", "line": 38, "description": "The body node", "itemtype": "property", "name": "body", "type": "NodeContainer", "class": "Document", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php", "line": 44, "description": "The title node", "itemtype": "property", "name": "title", "type": "NodeContainer", "class": "Document", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php", "line": 50, "description": "Beautify the output", "itemtype": "property", "name": "beautify", "type": "Boolean", "class": "Document", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php", "line": 56, "description": "Constructor for Docs", "class": "Document", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php", "line": 75, "description": "Write to HTML", "itemtype": "method", "name": "__toString", "return": { "description": "The string representation of this HTML node", "type": "String" }, "class": "Document", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Document.php", "line": 88, "description": "Beautifies an HTML string into a human-readable and indented work of art.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "beautify", "static": 1, "params": [ { "name": "html", "description": "The XML-compatible HTML as a string", "type": "String" } ], "return": { "description": "The formatted string", "type": "String" }, "class": "Document", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 28, "description": "The database connection failed", "itemtype": "property", "name": "EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME", "type": "Int", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 36, "description": "The alias for a database is invalid", "itemtype": "property", "name": "EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE", "type": "Int", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 44, "description": "The database name we're trying to switch to is invalid", "itemtype": "property", "name": "INVALID_SETTER", "type": "Int", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 52, "description": "The mysql where trying to execute was a problem", "itemtype": "property", "name": "INVALID_GETTER", "type": "Int", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 60, "description": "The html tag name is invalid", "itemtype": "property", "name": "INVALID_TAG", "type": "Int", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 68, "description": "When trying to create a node, the name is empty", "itemtype": "property", "name": "EMPTY_NODE_TAG", "type": "Int", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 76, "description": "The parent cannot be empty", "itemtype": "property", "name": "EMPTY_PARENT", "type": "Int", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 84, "description": "THe addChildAt is out of bounds", "itemtype": "property", "name": "OUT_OF_BOUNDS", "type": "Int", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 92, "description": "The child node is empty", "itemtype": "property", "name": "EMPTY_CHILD", "type": "Int", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 100, "description": "The node is not of instance type Node", "itemtype": "property", "name": "INVALID_NODE", "type": "Int", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 108, "description": "Look-up for error messages", "itemtype": "property", "name": "messages", "type": "Dictionary", "access": "private", "tagname": "", "static": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/HTML5Error.php", "line": 127, "description": "The label for an error that is unknown or unfound in messages", "itemtype": "property", "name": "UNKNOWN", "type": "String", "static": 1, "final": 1, "class": "HTML5Error", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 22, "description": "The string name of the tag", "itemtype": "property", "name": "_tag", "type": "String", "access": "protected", "tagname": "", "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 29, "description": "The collection of Attributes objects", "itemtype": "property", "name": "_attributes", "type": "Array", "access": "protected", "tagname": "", "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 36, "description": "The parent node, if any", "itemtype": "property", "name": "_parent", "type": "NodeContainer", "access": "protected", "tagname": "", "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 43, "description": "The collection of valid attributes names for given tag", "itemtype": "property", "name": "_validAttrs", "type": "Array", "access": "protected", "tagname": "", "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 50, "description": "The default valid attributes", "itemtype": "property", "name": "GLOBAL_ATTRS", "type": "String", "final": 1, "static": 1, "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 90, "description": "Returns the parent node of this node, if\na parent exists. If no parent exists,\nthis function returns null.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "getParent", "access": "private", "tagname": "", "return": { "description": "The parent node object", "type": "NodeContainer" }, "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 103, "description": "Sets the parent of this Node. Note that this\nfunction is protected and can only be called by\nclasses that extend Node. The parent cannot\nbe null; this function will throw an Exception\nif the parent node is empty.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "setParent", "access": "protected", "tagname": "", "params": [ { "name": "parent", "description": "The parent container node", "type": "NodeContainer", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" } ], "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 122, "description": "Given a name and value pair, sets an attribute on this Node.\nThe name and value cannot be empty; if so, this function\nwill throw an Exception. Note if the attribute already exists\nand the caller wants to set an attribute of the same name,\nthis function will not create a new Attribute, but rather\nupdate the value of the existing named attribute.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "setAttribute", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the attribute to add", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "value", "description": "The value of the attribute", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" }, { "name": "The", "description": "instance of this node", "type": "Node" } ], "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 156, "description": "Fetch and attribute by name from this Node. The attribute\nname cannot be null; if so, this function will throw an\nException.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "getAttribute", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the attribute to fetch", "type": "String", "optional": true, "optdefault": "null" } ], "return": { "description": "The attribute's value, if any or null", "type": "String" }, "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 183, "description": "Set the list of all attributes.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "setAttributes", "params": [ { "name": "values", "description": "An attributes array(name=>value, name=>value)", "type": "Dictionary" } ], "return": { "description": "The instance of this Node", "type": "Node" }, "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 201, "description": "Set the a data-* HTML5 Attribute", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the data, for instance \"id\" is an attribute \"data-id\"", "type": "String" }, { "name": "value", "description": "The value of the attribute", "type": "String" } ], "return": { "description": "The instance of this Node", "type": "Node" }, "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 212, "description": "Add this child to a node container at the end", "itemtype": "method", "name": "appendTo", "params": [ { "name": "container", "description": "The node container to add to", "type": "NodeContainer" } ], "return": { "description": "The instance of this Node", "type": "Node" }, "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 224, "description": "Add this child to the beginning of a node container", "itemtype": "method", "name": "prependTo", "params": [ { "name": "container", "description": "The node container to prepend to to", "type": "NodeContainer" } ], "return": { "description": "The instance of this Node", "type": "Node" }, "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 236, "description": "Get the data-* HTML5 attribute value, if set", "itemtype": "method", "name": "getData", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the data attribute", "type": "String" } ], "return": { "description": "The value of the data", "type": "String" }, "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 247, "description": "Write to HTML", "itemtype": "method", "name": "__toString", "return": { "description": "The string representation of this HTML node", "type": "String" }, "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 257, "description": "Start the writing the tag", "itemtype": "method", "name": "writeOpen", "access": "protected", "tagname": "", "params": [ { "name": "selfClose", "description": "If the tag is a self closing tag (e.g., br, img, hr)", "type": "Boolean", "optional": true, "optdefault": "true" } ], "return": { "description": "The buffer of HTML", "type": "String" }, "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 276, "description": "General purpose getter to get attribute values", "itemtype": "method", "name": "__get", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the property to set", "type": "String" } ], "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 290, "description": "General purpose setter to set attribute values", "itemtype": "method", "name": "__set", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the attribute", "type": "String" }, { "name": "value", "description": "The value of the attribute", "type": "String" } ], "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 305, "description": "See if a property exists", "itemtype": "method", "name": "__isset", "params": [ { "name": "name", "description": "The name of the attribute", "type": "String" } ], "class": "Node", "module": "Canteen\\HTML5" }, { "file": "src/Canteen/HTML5/Node.php", "line": 315, "description": "Checks if a variable is really \"empty\". Code borrowed from PHP.net at\nhttp://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.empty.php#90767 because we were\npreviously using empty() to see if a variable is empty or not. But\nempty() dosen't work for attributes that have a value of \"0\", so we need\nsomething more robust here.\n