2013-10-13 04:15:47 +04:00
2013-10-13 02:37:52 +04:00
2013-10-13 04:15:47 +04:00
Create dynamic, well-formatted HTML5 markup with a simple an intuitive PHP API. This is a fork/rewrite of the [Gagawa ](https://code.google.com/p/gagawa/ ) project. CanteenHTML5 is a concise, flexible and easy to remember API which makes it possible to create simple markup (such as a link) or more complex structures (such a table, document or nested list). All tags and attribute names are validated against the current HTML5 specification.
This library requires a webserver running PHP 5.3+. Also, the root namespace for the library is `Canteen\HTML5` .
Simply include the `html.php` file.
include 'lib/html.php';
To create an HTML node, simply call global `html` method, passing in the tag name and then any attributes.
echo html('img src=home.jpg');
echo html('img', 'src=home.jpg');
echo html('img', array('src'=>'home.jpg'));
All of these examples would output:
< img src = "home.jpg" / >
###Adding Attributes
There are dfferent ways to add attributes for HTML container nodes such as `<p>` , `<div>` , or in the example below, `<nav>` .
1. Part of the tag
echo html('nav title="Navigation" class=main', 'Welcome');
2. As an associative array
echo html('nav', 'Welcome', array('title'=>'Navigation', 'class'=>'main'));
3. As a shorthand string
echo html('nav', 'Welcome', 'title="Navigation" class=main');
4. As an property methods
$nav = html('nav', 'Welcome');
$nav->class = 'main';
$nav->title = 'Navigation';
echo $nav;
All of these examples output the same markup:
< nav title = "Navigation" class = "main" > Welcome< / nav >
###Adding Nested Elements
Any HTML5 container tags (such as `<p>` , `<span>` , or `<div>` ) can have child elements. These elements can be strings or other HTML5 element objects.
$label = html('span', 'Website!');
$link = html('a', $label);
$link->href = 'http://example.com';
echo $link;
Alternatively, use the `addChild` method for any container tag.
$link = html('a');
$link->href = 'http://example.com';
$link->addChild(html('span', 'Website!'));
echo $link;
Or `appendTo` to target a container to be added to:
$link = html('a');
$link->href = 'http://example.com';
html('span', 'Website!')->appendTo($link);
echo $link;
All examples would output:
< a href = "http://example.com" > < span > Website!< / span > < / a >
###CSS Selectors
Tag names can optionally have CSS-style class and id selectors:
echo html('a#example'); //< a id = "example" > < / a >
echo html('span.small'); //< span class = "small" > < / span >
echo html('span.small.label'); //< span class = "small label" > < / span >
echo html('span#example.small.label'); //< span id = "example" class = "small label" > < / span >
##API Documentation
####For self-closing elements (e.g. `<br>`, `<img>`)
html($tag, $attributes=null);
+ `$tag` ** {string}** The name of the valid HTML5 element which can contain CSS selectors or short-hand attribute string.
+ `$attributes` ** {array | string}** (optional) Collection of element attributes
Returns a `Canteen\HTML5\Node` object.
####Node Methods
+ `setAttribute($name, $value)` Set an attribute by name and value.
+ `setAttributes($values)` Set an associative array of name/value pairs.
+ `setData($name, $value)` Set data-* fields on the HTML5 element.
+ `getData($name)` Get the data-* field on the HTML5 element.
+ `appendTo(NodeContainer $container)` Add the element to the end of a container element.
+ `prependTo(NodeContainer $container)` Add the element to the beginning of a container element.
####For container HTML elements (e.g. `<p>`, `<div>`)
html($tag, $contents=null, $attributes=null);
+ `$tag` ** {string}** The name of the valid HTML5 element which can contain CSS selectors or short-hand attribute string.
+ `$contents` ** {string | Node | NodeContainer}** (optional) The string of the contents of the tag, or another element created by `html()`
+ `$attributes` ** {array | string}** (optional) Collection of element attributes
Returns a `Canteen\HTML5\NodeContainer` object.
####NodeContainer Methods (extends `Node`)
+ `addChild($node)` Add a `Node` object to the bottom of the collection of nodes
+ `addChildAt($node, $index)` Add a `Node` object at a specific zero-based index
+ `removeChild($node)` Remove a particular node from the container
+ `removeChildAt($index)` Remove a node by zero-based index
+ `removeChildren()` Remove all children from the container
+ `getChildren()` Get the collection of all `Node` objects
+ `getChildAt($index)` Get a `Node` object at a specific index
###Additional Components
The `Document` object is used for creating a bare-bones HTML5 document.
Canteen\HTML5\Document($title='', $charset='utf-8', $beautify=false);
+ `$title` ** {string}** (optional) The title of the document
+ `$charset` ** {string}** (optional) The HTML character set to use
+ `$beautify` ** {boolean}** (optional) If the output should be an indented work of art.
+ `head` ** {NodeContainer}** The document's `<head>` element
+ `body` ** {NodeContainer}** The document's `<body>` element
+ `title` ** {NodeContainer}** The document's `<title>` element
use Canteen\HTML5\Document;
$doc = new Document('Untitled');
$doc->head->addChild(html('script src=main.js'));
echo $doc;
The `SimpleList` for conveniently creating `<ul>` and `<ol>` elements.
Canteen\HTML5\SimpleList($elements, $attributes=null, $type="ul");
+ `$elements` ** {array}** The collection of strings or other HTML elements
+ `$attributes` ** {array | string}** (optional) Collection of element attributes
+ `$type` ** {string}** (optional) A value of either "ul" or "ol"
The `Table` object is used for creating `<table>` elements.
Canteen\HTML5\Table($data, $headers=null, $checkbox=null);
+ `$data` ** {array}** The collection of associative-arrays with key/value pairs
+ `$headers` ** {array}** (optional) The names of the header labels
+ `$checkbox` ** {string}** (optional) The name of the key name in the data to replace with a checkbox, for instance "id"
// Create a sample table with some rows of dummy data
$table = new Table(
array('id'=>1, 'first'=>'James', 'last'=>'Smith'),
array('id'=>2, 'first'=>'Mary', 'last'=>'Denver'),
array('id'=>3, 'first'=>'Charlie', 'last'=>'Rose')
array('ID', 'First Name', 'Last Name')
Copyright (c) 2013 Matt Karl and [CloudKid, LLC ](http://cloudkid.com )
Released under the MIT License.